Realm of Magyk Wiki


Currency is used all over the world to purchase goods and services. There are many different currencies, but the High Council's simple decimalised currency which makes use of Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum coins, is widely accepted as the standard global currency.

Non-race based[]

High Council System (HC system)[]

10 Copper in a Silver

10 Silver in a Gold

10 Gold in a Platinum


Nyrdic System[]

The Nyrdic system is used throughout Nyrdic states and even in northern parts of Sacenland and Pictia. It uses the following coins, in a straight decimal system:

1 Kob = 1 Copper

10 Kobs = 1 Solv = 1 Silver

10 Solvs = 1 Gull = 1 Gold

10 Gulls = 1 Sert = 1 Platinum


KhaZari Dwarven System[]

Dwarves use Kerk's, which are equall to half a copper, and Kundr's, which are equal to 2 gold


1 Kerk = 1/2 Copper

1 Kundr = 400 Kerks (200 Copper = 20 Silver = 2 Gold)


Elven System of Eight[]

In this system, a Prenni is equall to 2 Copper

8 Prenni's = 1 Garlen = 16 Copper

8 Garlens = 1 Quel = 128 Copper

Orcs, Giants and Goblins[]

Rod System[]

This system is used by Orcs, Goblins and Giants. In this system, 1 Copper rod is equall to 1/2 a Copper

6 Copper Rods = 1 Iron Rod = 3 Copper

7 Iron Rods = 1 Bronze Rod = 21 Copper

28 Bronze Rods = 1 Silver Rod = 588 Copper = 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 8 Copper
